Social rights and maternity protection for the working woman in Panama

Derechos sociales y la protección de la maternidad de la mujer trabajadora en Panamá



This research work is developed within the framework of the Constitutional Performance Evaluation Project carried out between International IDEA and the Electoral Tribunal. It is based on the review of the constitutional articles contained in Title III, which protect the rights, duties and fundamental guarantees of people, such as the right to decent work, under equal conditions and appropriate to the needs of the different groups of people. The methodology allowed the evaluation of the regulations that protect the right to motherhood of the working woman (article 72 of the Constitution), based on internal and external criteria, jurisprudence and laws on gender equality and human rights in Panama.



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Author Biography / See

Tamara Martínez Paredes, Tribunal Electoral

She has a bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Panama and a postgraduate degree in Superior Teaching. She has diplomas in Gender and Research. Master in Social Sciences with emphasis on theory and research methods from the University's Institute of National Studies from Panama. He works as a special professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Panama.


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