Some considerations on the provisions that govern online government procedures in relation to the administrative procedure in Panama

Algunas consideraciones sobre las disposiciones que rigen a los trámites gubernamentales en línea con relación al procedimiento administrativo en Panamá.


Selva del Carmen Quintero Marrone

Law 38 of 2000, which has regulated the general administrative procedure in Panama for more than 22 years, contemplates the general administrative procedure, supplementary to those cases in which there is no particular administrative procedure.  On the other hand, Law 83 of 2012 and Law 132 of 2020, which institutes the reduction of the use of paper in public management, are particularly relevant.


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Author Biography / See

Selva del Carmen Quintero Marrone, Galindo, Arias y López

Partner of Galindo, Arias y López and co-leader of the Litigation and Arbitration team, she specializes in civil, constitutional and contentious-administrative litigation, as well as administrative proceedings before various public institutions, including the representation of multinationals in arbitration proceedings, and regularly attends consultations related to regulatory matters.

Before joining the Firm, she rendered her services, ad-honorem, at the Instituto de Defensoría de Oficio (attached to the Judicial Branch), now Instituto de la Defensa Pública (1999); she was also assistant, ad-honorem, to the Commissioner of Coordination of the Penitentiary Activity (Supreme Court of Justice - 1999) and Assistant of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, of the Contentious-Administrative (1999-2001).

Ms. Quintero Marrone was declared by the Ministry of Government as suitable for the position of Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice in 2015, and in 2016 she was appointed as a member of the codifying commission for the elaboration of the preliminary draft of the Contentious-Administrative Procedural Code.


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