Theoretical approach to the concept of responsible management (accountability) to strengthen the citizen participation in panama

Aproximación teórica al concepto de gestión responsable (accountability) para fortalecer la participación ciudadana en Panamá


Maricarmen Soto Ortigoza
Moisés Moya
Eric Espinosa-Fernández

The theme in Panama is deepened from the objective of Generating theory from the epistemological perspective of the concept of Responsible Management (Accountability), to strengthen the Citizen Participation. Framed in a qualitative paradigm, use of doctrinal hermeneutics, the results allowed to identify theories on accountability and social accounting, for decision making and detection of sunk expenditures in public hearings. It is concluded that the governments must be transparent through accountability, beyond financial matters.



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Author Biographies / See

Maricarmen Soto Ortigoza, Universidad Latina

Postdoctoral degree in Gcia. of the Organizations. Doctor in Philosophy of Education; Doctor of Sciences Mn. Management. Doctor in Educational Innovations, master in HR Management, specialist in PsychoNeuroLinguistics. Member of the Venezuelan Institute of Psycholinguistics. Professor-Researcher, Academic Vice-Rector of the Universidad del Caribe. Latin University

Moisés Moya, Universidad del Caribe

Master in Commercial Management and Marketing, Master in Global Marketing Management and Direction new markets, Lcdo. in Law, International financial, commercial and tax, Rector of the Caribbean University.

Eric Espinosa-Fernández, Universidad del Caribe / Universidad de Panamá

PhD student in Management at the Universidad del Caribe; MBA-Emphasis in Political Marketing; MBA Specialization in International Trade; postgraduate in Higher University Teaching; MBA Emphasis in Human Resources; postgraduate in Senior Management; Lic. Marketing Administration and Advertising. Teacher-Researcher University of Panama.


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