The right to freedom of expression in the legal system: current assessments

El derecho a la libertad de expresión en el ordenamiento jurídico: valoraciones presentes



The present research constitutes an analysis of the freedom of expression according to the content of the universal, regional, and internal instruments that integrate the defense of the right of freedoms as an obligation of the States, in terms of establishing their protection and guarantee. The growth of human rights instruments gives the human being the opportunity to exercise them and their violation constitutes a limit that must be sanctioned in order to avoid affecting the human dignity of any human being, who makes use of his freedom of expression, either individually or collectively. Subsequent or special liability, as well as the right to rectification, constitute the means of defense that those affected by a publication that affects their human dignity, their honor, their reputation and the right to a good name that every human person should have, may appeal.



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Author Biography / See

Constantino Riquelme Ortiz, Tribunal Electoral

Head of Research and Publications of the Institute of Democratic Studies of the Electoral Tribunal. He has a DEA in the doctorate in Public International Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Management Coaching and Leadership from the University of Barcelona. Master's degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Javeriana University, as well as a diploma in University Teaching. He has been an international speaker at the Simón Bolívar Andean University – Ecuador, the University of Security Sciences of the State of Nuevo León, the University of Guadalajara in Mexico; National University of Quilmes - Argentina, Central University of Venezuela and Free University of Colombia on issues of Human Rights and International Criminal Justice. University Professor in different Panamanian universities at the bachelor's and master's levels.


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