Ambiguity of functions, clarity of tensions: unraveling the figure of the Vice President of the Republic of Panama
Ambigüedad de funciones, claridad de tensiones: desentrañando la figura del Vicepresidente de la República de Panamá
This article explores the role of the Vice President of the Republic of Panama, their constitutional function, and their impact on the country's political system. Using Ginsburg’s (2021) framework for evaluating constitutional performance, the study analyzes existing regulations, legislative developments, and relevant case law. It also examines external criteria such as legitimacy, conflict mediation, and agency costs, complemented by public opinion survey data. Historically, the Panamanian vice presidency has been a position of functional ambiguity, with limited powers subject to the President’s discretion. The analysis of the 2024 electoral process highlights regulatory gaps regarding presidential succession following the election of a president without a vice president. Finally, the article proposes reforms to clarify the vice-presidential role, contributing to the debate on modernizing Panama’s presidential system.
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