Background of the Configuration of Electoral Circuits (1984-2022)

Antecedentes de la configuración de los circuitos electorales (1984-2022)


Juan Diego Alvarado

This article describes the evolution of the constitutional and legal regulation of the circumscriptions used for electoral processes through which the members of the Legislative Body of the Republic of Panama are popularly elected, since 1984. Additionally, it examines conflicts arising from the application of current provisions, including relevant jurisprudence



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Author Biographies / See

Juan Diego Alvarado, Tribunal Electoral

Master in Democracy and Comparative Politics from University College London. Degree in Law and Political Science from the Santa María La Antigua University. Chevening Program Scholar. University professor since 2017, he has taught Political Science and Political Theory courses. democracy. Member of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Latin American Association of Political Science (ALACIP). Ha presented papers at the Latin American Congress of Political Science in 2017 and 2019. PhD student in Government and Politics at the University of Maryland.

Salvador Sánchez G., Tribunal Electoral

Director of the Institute of Democratic Studies of the Electoral Tribunal. Graduate in Law and Political Science from the Santa María La Antigua University. Specialist in Constitutional Law and Political Science, from the Center for Constitutional Studies of Madrid, Spain. Master in Electoral Law, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain. Doctoral studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. University professor since 1993, he has taught courses on Constitutional Law, Political Science and Human Rights. He has published articles in magazines specialized companies from Panama, Spain, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. Currently director of the Institute of Democratic Studies of the Electoral Tribunal.


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