Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice on res judicata

Jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia sobre cosa juzgada



This article on res judicata focuses on judgments of unconstitutionality based on the last paragraph of article 206 of the Constitution, which states that the decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice are final, definitive, and binding. The Court has pronounced itself in final and enforceable judgments, without any recourse to appeal, which make transition to res judicata. The purpose of res judicata is to establish legal certainty for the parties and to promote certainty of the judge’s ruling.



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Author Biography / See

Miriam Zelaya Pinilla, Tribunal Electoral

Graduate in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama, graduate in International Relations from the University of Panama, postgraduate degree in Senior Management from the La Tina University of Panama, MBA with emphasis in Human Resources. He has completed diplomas on Conventionality Control at the IIHR, Public Policies at KAS, among others.


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