RATIO LEGIS, is a periodic magazine, published every six months in open access, since January 2021, in physical and digital format by the Institute of Democratic Studies (INED) of the Electoral Tribunal of Panama.

Editorial Policies:

  • Peer review system

*Articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and external academic peers. The arbitration process is anonymous, both for reviewers and authors.

*Each article will be reviewed by two specialists in the subject matter the article deals with. If the recommendations of the two reviewers are contradictory, the opinion of a third evaluator will be sought.

*To carry out the review, there is a “review form”, which is filled out by the reviewers.

*The peer review must conclude with the recommendation to publish, not to publish, or to publish with modifications. The recommendation will be communicated to the authors.

*Within 60 days you must receive a response from the magazine regarding the review of the submission.

*When the article requires modifications, the author will have 10 days to make the adjustments. Again the reviewer will have access to the writing for verification, in which case they will have another 10 days.

  • Code of ethics

*In order to guarantee good conduct by all actors involved in the publication process, the journal complies with international regulations on ethics; in particular to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • Plagiarism detection system

*Articles submitted for review will be exposed to similarity analysis using software acquired by the institution, in order to detect matches in the text, showing the sources of the matching content, regardless of language.

OJS System - Metabiblioteca |