Resolution for infringement of contract

La resolución por incumplimiento de contrato


Victor Raul De Las Casas Salazar

This article refers to the “tacit resolutive condition” foreseen in the article 1009 of the Civil Code, which does not constitute a true condition, since it has important differences with the resolutive condition that appears regulated in the same legal text. It is a sui generis form of extinction of the obligation, which can be located in the regime of contractual ineffectiveness. In general, it is based on the non-compliance of one party, compared to another that complies or agrees to comply with what is incumbent upon it, although this rule does not have an absolute scope, since in our legal system we can find various cases in which It is appropriate to demand the termination of the contract despite the fact that the plaintiff has not complied with its obligation.



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Author Biography / See

Victor Raul De Las Casas Salazar

Is lawyer. He has a doctorate in Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a specialty in Private Law and has a degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama. He has been legal advisor to the National Assembly and assistant magistrate in the First Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama. Professor of the Chair of Civil Law, Commercial Law and Private International Law at the University of Panama as well as in other private universities in the country. He has published articles on Civil Law in Lex Magazine, Sapientia Magazine, Tribuna Forense Magazine and the Private Law Magazine of the University of Panama.


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De Castro y Bravo, Federico. El Negocio Jurídico, 2da. ed., Editorial Civitas, Madrid, 1971, 550 p.p

Opina Fernández, Guillermo y Eduardo Ospina Acosta. Teoría General del Contrato y del Negocio Jurídico, 7ma. ed., Editorial Temis, Bogotá, 2014, 607 p.p.

Rodríguez-Arias Bustamante, Lino. Derecho de Obligaciones, Editorial Revista de Derecho Privado, Madrid, s/f, 57

Velásquez Gómez, Hernán Darío. Estudio sobre Obligaciones, Editorial Temis, Bogotá, 2010, 1406 p.p.

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