Constitution and domain forfeiture regime in Panama

Constitución y régimen de extinción de dominio en Panamá


Armando Padilla

Through this research, the author provides us with an exhaustive analysis of the forfeiture figure, from a conceptual and regulatory framework, with special emphasis on the constitutional foundation of this figure in Panama. Through the development of the research, he presents the characteristics and background of the extinction of domain, highlighting in his appreciations a legal-regulatory analysis from the figure of expropriation, the absolute nullity of contracts, criminal confiscation, the process of anticipated summary judgement, from the burden of proof to the jurisprudence of accounts and preventive freezing. The author concludes that it constitutes an effort by the international community to combat the transnational organized crime



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Author Biography / See

Armando Padilla

The author has a degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama. Former Scholarship of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. Specialist in Constitutional Law from the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies of Madrid. Specialist in Human Rights from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in International Criminal Law from the University of Granada, Spain. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Salamanca and has given lectures at the Public University of Navarra – Pamplona. Subscriber Member of the Ibero-American Institute of Constitutional Law, Panama section. Professor of Constitutional Law at the Santa María La Antigua University (USMA)


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