A proposal for interpretation of article 2564 of the Judicial Code

Una propuesta de interpretación al artículo 2564 del Código Judicial


Cinthya Camargo Saavedra

Through the sentence of March 14, 2022, issued by the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of Justice, it was declared that the words “with salary”, contained in articles 72 and 83 of Law 37 of June 29, 2009, are unconstitutional. “That decentralizes the Public Administration”, reformed through Law 66 of October 29, 2015. The problem addressed is directly related to the personal status of the township representative, a local authority elected by popular election in the Republic of Panama. The author raises the indetermination of the effects of the sentence and the difficulty of fixing them, based on the current legal regulation of the institution called “clarification of sentence.” To approach the problem, alternative interpretations and reforms are discussed.



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Doctoranda en Derecho, Universidad Externado de Colombia, con Maestría en Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad Santa María la Antigua (USMA) así como un Global EMBA 2016 de INCAE Business School, un Máster en Derecho Tributario expedido por el Instituto de Investigación Jurídica (INEJ) y una Especialización en Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios en la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Panamá.


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