The excessive onerousness arising in successive contracts in the Panamanian Civil Code

La excesiva onerosidad sobrevenida en los contratos de tracto sucesivo en el Código Civil Panameño


Lidia Mercado

The exception of contract compliance called “excessive heavy charges” that has come in the legal system of German-Roman tradition, and known as hardship in the common law, has enormous practical utility, especially with the advent of the global crisis caused by COVID-19, which produced unfavorable eventualities for many debtors in successive contracts. This exception is regulated in the  Panamanian Civil Code  and is part of the  Unforeseen Circumstance Theory. This paper analyzes, its requirements, its differences with other legal institutions, and the normative and jurisprudential treatment in our positive law.



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Author Biography / See

Lidia Mercado

Professor of Civil Law at the University of Panama (UP). Teaching the Civil Law I Chair (Personal Law), she has also taught the subject Civil Law III (Civil Contracts) and Property Law. Practicing lawyer, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Panama (Sigma Lambda Honorary Chapter), master's degree in Private Property Law from the University of Salamanca (USAL) - Spain (degree obtained with Honorable Mention). She is currently completing his Doctorate studies in Private Law at the University of Salamanca. General Secretariat of the Association of Private International Law and Comparative Law of Panama (ADIPCOP)


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