The codification of the international responsibility of the State for violation of international obligations: Present evaluations

La codificación de la responsabilidad internacional del Estado por violación de obligaciones internacionales: Valoraciones presentes


Constantino Riquelme Ortiz

The international responsibility of the State in international law, consti- tutes a long  doctrinal controversy on legitimate considerations that  allow  the main  subject of international law, that  is, the  States, to claim  an affectation or damage in an international court. Its condition as an affected subject has its ori- gins in the society of nations until the fifties decade after the end  of the Second World  War, where  the  United  Nations International Law Commission (CDI) was commissioned to codify  a legal  instrument of law  that  would make the  State responsible for the violation of international obligations. The strengths and weak- nesses have  been present, due  to the  inexistence of an international treaty  on worldwide responsibility that contextualizes the restoring as an obligation and of the exercise of law enforcement to demand its repair.



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Author Biography / See

Constantino Riquelme Ortiz

Head of Research and Publications of the Institute of Democratic Studies of the Electoral Tribunal. He has a DEA in the doctorate in Public International Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Management Coaching and Leadership from the University of Barcelona. Master's degree in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He has been an international speaker at the Simón Bolívar Andean University, the University of Security Sciences of the State of Nuevo León, the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, the National University of Quilmes, the Central University of Venezuela and the Free University of Colombia on issues of Human Rights and Criminal Justice. International. University Professor in different Panamanian universities at the bachelor's and master's levels. Author of international writings on International Criminal Justice. Consultant for UNICEF and the International Red Cross (ICRC)


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