Proposal to increase withdrawable crimes provided for in article 201 of the Criminal Procedure Code

Propuesta para aumentar los delitos desistibles dispuesto en el artículo 201 del Código Procesal Penal


Ricaurte Soler Mendizábal

The purpose of this essay is to generate a scientific  and  academic debate on crimes  to desist,  established in article 201 of the Criminal Procedural Code, since  these crimes  are exhaustive. This article makes it difficult for other types of crimes  to be addressed, through the Alternative Criminal Conflict Re- solution  Procedures. In the study we propose other types of crimes  that can be taken into consideration, to expand the existing list.



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Author Biography / See

Ricaurte Soler Mendizábal

Doctor in Procedural Law from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León-Mexico. Master's degree in Procedural Law from the Universidad Latina de Panamá, postgraduate degree in Higher Education from the Universidad del Istmo, postgraduate degree in Mediation from the University of Panama and postgraduate degree in Mediation and Negotiation from the Technological University of Panama. Graduate in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama. He is a university professor and director of Alternative Conflict Resolution Methods of the Judicial Branch. He is the author of numerous articles and books, among which the following stand out: Process for Judgment of Labor Misdemeanors, Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation. Alternative Conflict Resolution Methods. Restorative Justice in Panama.


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