Democracy, its friends and its enemies

La Democracia, sus amigos y sus enemigos


Juan Camilo Salas Cardona

Just  as Karl Popper  in his work  “The open society and  its enemies”, considered that  deterministic historicism was  a clear enemy of Western societies, analogously, today we could affirm that in current Latin American and Caribbean societies, there are a series of factors such  as education, the validity of social rights, democratic institutional structures, and the active  participation of civil society, together with an adequate administrative career and transparency in public contracting, which favor and  invigorate democratic life, and  to which, colloquially, we could call them “friends of democracy”.



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Author Biography / See

Juan Camilo Salas Cardona

Doctor of Law from the University of Strasbourg, France; doctor in Philosophy, and master's degree in Ethics and Democracy from the University of Valencia, Spain. Lawyer from the UMNG, theologian and master's degree in Theology from the Javeriana University, specialist and master's degree in Latin American Philosophy from the Santo Tomás University, and specialist in Bioethics from the El Bosque University, Colombia. He has worked as a consultant for the European Union, UNESCO and the IDB, and has been a professor, lecturer and/or consultant in France, Spain and in almost all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently a professor of Philosophy of Law and Theories of Justice at the University of Strasbourg, France; of Hermeneutics and Legal Research at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and is director of legal research work at the National University of Colombia


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