Tax Evasion or Fraud and Tax Avoidance in Panama

Evasión o Defraudación Fiscal y la Elusión Fiscal en Panamá


Javier Mitre

This article is directed to offer a contribution to the Panamanian society, guiding  it in the new figures that  are included in the tax illegal procedures in Panama, either in the legal  ambit as well as in the administrative one, with the purpose of differentiating when we are facing situations that can imply the configuration of a tax offense or if we are facing an administrative infraction with a less severe penal sanction than the one established for a crime.



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Author Biography / See

Javier Mitre

Lawyer-Consultant in Taxes and Academic Researcher of Tax Law of Panama with more than 15 years of experience as a facilitator and designer of training programs in Tax Law of Panama in person and virtual modality. Professor at different national and international universities in Tax Law. Executive Director and Founder of and the digital platform for Tax Education. “E-Learning Fiscal School”. Responsible for the Executive of the drafting commission of the Tax Procedure Code of Panama 2019, the Tax Crime 2019 and the Real Estate Tax Reform of 2017, as well as part of the team of proposed changes to the special tax regimes, in the National Assembly of Panama to comply with the OECD global forum. Member of the first committee on the Implementation of Electronic Invoicing of the DGI 2016. Facilitator for Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office in Tax Fraud Crimes 2020


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Játiva Coronel, Miguel Angel. Tendencias Actuales de Planificación y Control de Gestión en las Administraciones Tributarias. Revista de Administración Tributaria. Nº 29 (Julio 2010). Estudios Fiscales (IEF). Panamá.

Rivera, Rafael. Reforma Fiscal, Defraudación Fiscal y nuevas Sanciones. Año 3 Nº 3 (Mayo de 2006). Universal Books. Panamá.

Said Acuña, Javier. Derecho Tributario Procesal. Gaceta Fiscal. Año 2, Nº 2 (Mayo 2005). Universal Books. Panamá. 2005.

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