The challenges of retroactivity and ultraactivity of the regulations in the Civil Registry

Los desafíos de la retroactividad y ultraactividad de las normas en el Registro Civil


Andreína Regina Acevedo Arjona

The retroactivity and the ultra-activity of the norms  is a theme that has been analyzed very little and its importance is rooted in the correct application of the norms  of the legal system. In the Civil Registry, great  challenges are present- ted  to the legal  hermeneutic considering the eclecticism that  has been developed  in the XXI century, which  makes difficult the exercise of identification of the valid and applicable norms to a specific  case and for this, the conceptualization is an essential aspect.



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Author Biography / See

Andreína Regina Acevedo Arjona

Lawyer and authorized public translator from English to Spanish and vice versa. He currently holds the position of national rectification officer in the National Directorate of the Civil Registry of the Electoral Tribunal. Master in Electoral Law from the University of Castilla - La Mancha in Spain. Specialist in Higher Education from the University of the Isthmus of Panama. Studies on Conventionality Control by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica. Diplomas in Evidence Law, Administrative Law and Constitutional Procedural Law from the Latin University of Panama and a Latin American Diploma in Criminal Procedure Reform from the Diego Portales University of Chile. Graduate in Law and Political Science from the Santa María la Antigua Catholic University. Graduate in English with an emphasis on translation from the Latin University of Panama


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