International contributions on public procurement and its influence on the Panamanian system

Aportes internacionales sobre contratación pública y su influencia en el sistema panameño


Ian Bayless

Public procurement is a system entirely  associated with public  and social interests, as well as with the economic growth, with the development, and good governance of States. Its evolution is linked to international interest, and its objective is to harmonize it with the internal policies of each country,  developing good practices that guarantee the effective and  reciprocal trading  of international commerce.



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Author Biography / See

Ian Bayless,

Graduate in Law and Political Science from the University of La Paz. Postgraduate and Master's Studies in Criminal Law with emphasis on the UDELAS Accusatory Criminal System; Postgraduate and Master's studies in Procedural Law at the Interamericana University of Panama. Diploma in Public Contracting. Studies in Specialization in Administrative and Financial Law at the University of Salamanca. He was part of the negotiating team for the Free Trade Agreements and Trade Promotion Agreements between Panama and the different trading partners: Canada, European Union, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, implementation of the treaty with the United States of America; EFTA; Agreement of the Central American Integration System.


Acuerdo revisado sobre contratación pública y Textos Legales adicionales de la OMC. Texto del ACP modificado el 30 de marzo de 2012.

Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional. Ley Modelo de la CNUDMI sobre la Contratación Pública. Nueva York, 2014.

Red Interamericana de Compras Gubernamentales.

Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, que regula la contratación pú- blica, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 8 de mayo de 2020.

José Luis Benavides, María Cecilia M´Causland Sánchez, Catalina Flórez Salazar, María Eugenia Roca. Las compras públicas en América Latina y el Caribe y en los proyectos financiados por el BID. Diciembre de 2016.

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