Access to jurisdiction and effective judicial protection in the protection of consumers, Justice, Administrative and Labor Litigation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama
El acceso a la jurisdicción y la tutela judicial efectiva en la protección de los consumidores
The principle of the best interests of the consumer constitutes an essential tenet within the economic system and the processes of production, manufacture, distribution and sales of products and services in the different markets. The consumer requires the recognition of his/her rights and the guarantee to access the jurisdiction and the effective judicial protection, given his/her condition of weakness within the structure of the economic system and the functioning of the markets for goods and services, which has been recognized by the Courts specialized in consumer matters.
ACOSTA ESTÉVEZ, José B. Tutela Procesal de los Consumidores. J.M. Bosch, editor, S.A. Barcelona. 1995.
CAMARGO VERGARA, LUIS ANTONIO. Temas Actuales del Derecho de Consumo. Editorial PrintShop. Panamá. 2013.
HOYOS ARTURO, El Debido Proceso. Editorial Temis. Bogotá – Colombia. 2004.
LLAMAS POMBO, Eugenio. La Compraventa. Editora La ley. Julio, 2014.
MOSSET INTURRASPE, Jorge y Lorenzetti, Ricardo. Defensa del Consumidor. Rubinzal-Culzoni Editorial Argentina. 1993.
REICH, Norbert. Mercado y Derecho. Editorial Ariel. Barcelona. 1985.
STIGLITZ, Gabriel. Manual de Defensa del Consumidor. Editorial Juris. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2004.
TAMBUSSI, Carlos Eduardo. El Consumo como derecho Humano. Editorial Universidad. Ciudad de Buenos Aires. 2009.
Consejo General del Poder Judicial. Escuela Judicial. Director: Antonio Monserrat Quintana Magistrado. Nuevos derechos fun- damentales en el ámbito del Derecho privado. Madrid.