Provisional detention and bail
Detención provisional y libertad bajo fianza
The author, in his article titled “Pre-trial detention and release on bail”, tells us that freedom and human dignity have normative value and constitute primary goals of the Panamanian nation, provided for at the constitutional level. Likewise, it establishes that every person must be treated and considered as innocent during the investigation and the process, until they are declared responsible for the accused crime, in a public trial, through anenforceable sentence. Additionally, it states that pre-trial detention does not entail an end in itself; simply, it is an instrumental precautionary measure.
Constitución de Panamá vigente.
Código Procesal Penal.
Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos (1969).
Sentencia del Pleno de la Corte Suprema de Justicia del 11 de Agosto de 2014.