The ratio decidendi of the constitutional sentence

La ratio decidendi de la sentencia constitucional


Hernán A. De León Batista

The authors discuss the impact of the Constitutional Courts ́ decisions in their role as the supreme interpreter of the Constitution, on the other branches of government, particularly the government itself and the Congress, especially when their sentences are about the meaning and scope of fundamental rights, such as the right to life of the unborn. Besides, they sustain that the precedents that this kind of sentences stand, can’t be ignored neither by the Constitutional Court itself nor by the government entities in their future decisions, insofar the fundamental rights are an unbridgeable barrier for the colegislative branches.



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Author Biography / See

Hernán A. De León Batista

Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice since 2012. President of the Court (2018-2019). Vice President of the Court (2016-2017). President of the Civil Chamber (2016-2019). Doctor in Law from the Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (USMA), Master in Business Administration from the Universidad Latina de Panamá. Master in Commercial Law from Usma. Master's Degree in Fundamental Rights from the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Master in Constitutional Justice from the Castilla-La Mancha University, Toledo (Spain). Postgraduate in Civil Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain. University professor for 25 years and author of several legal works.


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