Historical overview and generalities The maritime courts of Panama

Reseña histórica y generalidades Los tribunales marítimos de Panamá


Gisela Agurto Ayala

The objective of this article is to highlight the functions and competencies of maritime courts, based on the evolution of the maritime process in Panama. In this regard, it examines Law 8 of 1982, which creates the maritime courts, establishes its competences at the domestic and international level and dictates procedural rules.Maritime sequestration, as a precautionary measure, and the enforcement of privileged maritime appropriations, carried out directly against the ship, cargo or freight, is also analyzed in accordance with Panamanian rule and case-law.



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Author Biography / See

Gisela Agurto Ayala

Graduate in Law and Political Science from the Santa María la Antigua University. She is currently a Judge of the Maritime Court of Appeals of Panama.


Carreyo C., Nelson. Inroducción al Derecho Procesal Marítimo. ABADAS. Panamá. 2009

Ley 12 de 23 de enero de 2009. Gaceta Oficial N°26322 de 13 de julio de 2009

Ley 22 de 1979. Gaceta Oficial N°. 19.539 de 5 de abril de 1982

Manual Marítimo de Panamá. Editora Sibauste. Panamá. 2005

Pino C., Cristhian. Seguridad Marítima y Portuaria. Primera Edición. Panamá. 2019

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