General theory of the State

Teoría general del Estado


Martín Wilson Chen

The article presented demonstrates the importance of the State from its conceptualization, object,  legal nature and  the essential elements on which it rests.  In the  same sense, it offers  us an analysis of the  distinction between forms of State and  forms of Government. It addresses in it, an analysis of the concept and  importance of the theory  of the executive body,  the theory  of the lesgislative body,  as well as the theory of the judicial body. It culminates in the analysis of the classical democratic model and  the direct democratic model.



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Author Biography / See

Martín Wilson Chen

Presiding Judge of the Public Procurement Court of Panama. His studies include a bachelor's degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama. Master of Business Administration in MBA degree from the Latin American University of Science and Technology. Master's Degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure with Emphasis on the Procedural System of the Accusatory Criminal System of the INEJ. Master's Degree in Higher Education from the Latin University of Panama. Postgraduate in Strategic Administration from the Latin American University of Science and Technology. Diploma in Constitutional Procedural Law; diploma in Evidence Law and a diploma in Public Contracting from the Latin University of Panama, as well as a diploma in Parliamentary Law from the Latin American and Caribbean University.


Aguilar, Balderas, Lidia. Teoría General del Estado. Larousse – Gru- po Editorial Patria. España. 2014.

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Naranjo Mesa, Vladimiro. Teoría Constitucional e Instituciones Políticas. Editorial Temis, S.A. Bogotá – Colombia. 2000.

Porrúa Pérez, Francisco. Teoría del Estado. Editorial Porrúa. México. 1999.

Serra Rojas, Andrés. Ciencia Política. La Proyección Actual de la Teoría General del Estado. Editorial Porrúa. México. 1999.

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