Constituent power (A debate between protection and problematization)

El poder constituyente (Un debate entre la protección y la problematización)


César A. Ruiloba

Without prejudice to recognize the influence that the representation of the ancient political forms could have over the organization of our future,  the constituent debate should promote the reflections aimed to explain the evolution of the political forms incorporating the elements which belong to the strict context of what is called the armor or basal layer of the societies, in which there are included, the techniques and technologies of a society, the state of its economy and its financial organizations, as well as the specific structure of the civil society.



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Author Biography / See

César A. Ruiloba,

Graduate in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama, (1999). Master's Studies in Procedural Law from the University of Panama. Postgraduate in Political Management and Governance from the Universities of Panama and the George Washington of the USA. Former professor of the Chair of Criminal Procedure Law of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Panama. Former president of the National Bar Association of Panama (2011-2013).


Goldfarb, Jeffrey C. Los intelectuales en la sociedad democrática. Cambridge University. 2000.

Novoa Monreal, Eduardo. Derecho, política y democracia. Ed. te- mis, 1983.

Sachica, Luis Carlos. Constitucionalistas ante la constituyente. Ed. temis, 1990.

Sieyès, E.J. Proemio de la Constitución (1789). Escrito y discurso de la revolución. Madrid, centro de estudios constitucionales, 1990.

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